Explore Safe

Your Guide to Safety in Nature

Make your Adventure a Safe Adventure

Australia’s stunning landscapes ignite an irresistible call to adventure in many hearts. From the rugged peaks of the Snowy Mountains to the sun-drenched shores of the Great Barrier Reef, our diverse terrain offers endless opportunities for exploration. Yet, amidst this love for the outdoors, a concerning disconnect lies at our feet: a gap between our desire to explore and our understanding of the potential risks involved.

Explore Safe was born from the recognition of this disconnect and a deep desire to bridge the gap between passion for the outdoors and responsible self-reliance. By raising awareness, providing accessible resources, and promoting responsible trail practices, we aim to turn the tide on under preparedness and ensure that everyone can enjoy Australia’s natural beauty safely and sustainably.

Join us on this journey. Together, let’s make the outdoors a safer and more enriching experience for all.

Explore Safe: Gear Up for Adventure, Not Search and Rescue

Don’t wait until “lost” becomes your reality. It’s important to know your limits and respect boundaries. Check out Explore Safe today for tips on being better prepared and empower yourself for unforgettable adventures, not unwanted rescues.

Plan smart, stay safe, and explore with confidence!

Police Search and Rescue (SAR) reveal some surprising truths about getting lost in nature. It’s often not just about getting turned around – it’s about being unprepared for the unexpected. According to SAR, here’s the top 8 common factors that contribute to people becoming injured or lost:

  • Lack of planning or no planning of trip.

  • Over reliance on technology (GPS and mobile phones can lose battery or have no coverage).

  • Underestimating the time or skill required for a route, causing delay.
  • Lack of skill or physical ability navigating a particular terrain.
  • Failure to carry a map or compass, contributing to disorientation.
  • Lack of leadership in a group resulting in an inability to make quick decisions.
  • Failure to identify terrain hazards such as cliffs, rivers, waterfalls and slippery surfaces that can cause delay or injury.

  • Entering areas that are closed, climbing safety barriers and not being careful around hazardous terrain?


Outdoor Safety Tips

Prepare to explore

Uncover the secrets of successful outdoor adventures, starting with meticulous planning.

Ready, Set, Explore!

  • Choose a trail that matches your fitness and skills using official verified sources

  • Verify crowd-sourced information with official sources before you head out on the trail
  • Research trail conditions, closures, and weather forecasts

  • Pack the essentials: Navigation, food, water, first aid, sun protection

  • Master basic map and compass skills

  • Dress for the weather and adventure

  • Leave a trip plan with a trusted contact

On the Trail

Discover practical tips for staying safe and making the most of every moment in nature.

Hike Smart, Hike Safe

  • Stay on designated trails
  • Listen to your body and pace yourself
  • Stay hydrated and fuelled
  • Be prepared for first aid and common injuries
  • Stay alert, observant and aware
  • Respect park and trail closures
  • Respect wildlife and leave no trace
  • Stay connected and communicate your plans

After Your Walk

Celebrate your achievements, learn from your mistakes, and prepare for even more exhilarating adventures ahead.

Reflect, Grow, Share

  • Reflect on your experience and learn from it
  • Build your skills and knowledge for future hikes
  • Connect with hiking groups and bushwalking clubs
  • Participate in online forums and connect with fellow adventurers
  • Books, online resources, and blogs can provide valuable tips and advice
  • Leave the trail better than you found it